
I hope you had a great weekend! If I’m being honest with you guys I feel pretty crappy so I used it as an opportunity to do some micro-upleveling.

Micro-uplevels are small things you can do to start stepping into the next level version of yourself.

Think about what the most badass version of you does every day. What are her habits?

Pick something small that she does and start doing it.

I cleaned and organized my fridge and lined all the beverages up so it looked Instagram worthy.

I cooked an easy meal and divided up the leftovers so I have healthy meals to eat.

I did a short workout.

I deep cleaned my living room.

These are simple things that I had been putting off for a long time but it’s amazing how those small things you’re putting off can keep you stuck. Tackling these small things gave me a nice environment to be in, got my mind off my breakup for a bit and helped me step into the next level version of me.

Be sure to listen to the podcast episode I recorded about upleveling and subscribe to make sure you don’t miss any future episodes.

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How To Uplevel Your Freaking Life

how to uplevel your life

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learn how to uplevel your life

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